In Search Of An Excellent Outline Example For A Research Paper
There is nothing easier in writing your paper than creating an outline to it. It's extremely easy to do, when you already have a paper written – you just need to take the basic thoughts from each paragraph, page or section and write them one after another to form logically structured few pages. If you are asked to write an outline prior to starting your work on an actual paper, it shall not be that hard as well. It's just a page or two, after all, how hard can it be?
What makes a good outline?
- Proper structure. If you derive from the structure, requested by your professor, it's much easier to see in the outline than in the actual paper. That's why you are often asked to submit an outline first. Check the guidelines to know what you are looking for. Hold on to the basic 3-point structure (intro, main body, conclusion), if you don't have any specific requirements.
- Thorough planning. If you submit an outline early, you are in most cases not allowed to change the details later. Be prepared to the fact that you will have to stick to your outline in the future.
- Evidence. You need to support your thoughts with evidence even at this step and make your writing sound legit. Don't be afraid of citations or numerical data, just assure it's in its correct place.
Where to find a good example of an outline for your paper?
- Tutoring websites. A lot of websites provide examples along with the guidelines on how you write an outline yourself. Just make sure you got the correct paper type and are not using an outline sample for a research paper for your simple essay – it will turn our much longer than you need and possibly longer than your actual essay.
- Completed papers. A lot of sample papers are published with outlines – don't look for outlines only, it may be submitted as a part of the full paper. It will not only give you the acutal outline, but will teach you how to tie your outline to a future paper and how the information in both corresponds with each other.
A few tips for outline search
- Look within your subject.
- Use detailed search input.
- Consider websites of universities and colleges.
- Save yourself some time by looking for properly formatted outlines.